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Recently asked questions

Frequently asking some questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about orphan donations we get from our global donors.
In Bangladesh, we consider a child as an orphan who has no father because of death, disappearance, desertion or abandonment of the parents.

Adopting an orphan means that a man brings the orphan to live in his house and take care of his/her needs.

Sponsoring an orphan means, a man can support the orphan from afar while they stay within their community or country.

Orphan sponsorship process:

1. Choose a sponsorship program

2. Register yourself

3. Donate monthly or yearly as per your criteria

4. Keep in touch with your orphan & get yearly reports of their progress.

In Bangladesh, you can start as low as $1 or 95BDT to take part in a sponsorship program.

See our orphan gallery and choose your orphan easily.

When you sponsor an orphan for a year or a lifetime, we recommend you to contact with him/her via written letters or zoom meetings and see how they progress with your sponsorship

There’s no regional boundaries to sponsor an orphan. You can be from any part of the world and still be a part of this movement.

Certainly! Our respected volunteers at NORR makes sure that your sponsored child receives 100% of the gift that you’re sending towards them monthly or in special occasions such as birthday or holiday.

We prepare your sponsored child with quality education and special skills training.

By the time they’re adults, they’re ready to face the world and provide for themselves.

Our orphan sponsorship program tackles the underlying issues that make kids vulnerable, by giving the orphans, their families, and their communities the tools they need to break free from poverty.

We employ externally validated, evidence-based interventions in our programming as part of a complete, integrated approach to orphan development.

And it works well! Orphans, families, and communities are changing their own lives because to our all-encompassing, community-empowering, bottom-up approach.

It depends on the sponsorship program you choose at NORR. You can donate either monthly, yearly, or for a lifetime through our subscription model.

Of course! Our team ensures that your donation safely reaches to the orphan everytime you contribute. 75% of the donation goes to the orphan. The rest is utilized to cover necessary operating costs for project management and programming quality assurance.

After you sponsor an orphan at NORR, we send you the child’s photograph, personal story, and their gratitude via mail within approximately 10 days.

When an orphan finds out they’ve been sponsored, they feel incredible joy just knowing that someone from across the world cares for them.

Sponsors cannot send money directly to children because cash can make them a target in some of the economically deprived areas where we work.

On the other hand, additional monetary donations to support our work are always welcome. These valuable funds will help us make an even bigger difference in the lives and futures of your sponsored child and his or her community by supporting programs that benefit your sponsored child and his or her community.

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